Arama yapmak için lütfen yukarıdaki kutulardan birine aramak istediğiniz terimi girin.

The Concept of Attribution in the Law of International Responsibility

Gemi Satışı Sözleşmesinin Kurulma Anı


As witnessed in majority of commercial contracts, there are numerous terms that the parties need to negotiate and reach an agreement on in ship sale and purchase contracts as well, thereby, contracting negotiations take a long time and this situation may pave the way for hesitations about when exactly the wills of the parties to conclude the contract coincide. Parties may bind the execution of the contract to the confirmation of ship’s compatibility with the contract by an inspection of the ship. Due to the aforementioned reasons, it is important to determine the moment when the ship sale and purchase contracts are concluded and it is observed that it has been subjected to judicial decisions.

Ship Sale, Broker, Meeting of the Minds, Commercial Contracts, Standart Contract.

Ticari sözleşmelerin çoğunda olduğu gibi gemi satışı sözleşmelerinde tarafların üzerinde müzakere edip uzlaşmaya varmaları gereken çok sayıda hüküm bulunmakta ve sözleşme görüşmeleri uzun bir sürece yayılmaktadır. Bu durum, tarafların sözleşmenin kurulması yönündeki iradelerinin hangi anda uyuştuğu hususunda tereddütlerin doğmasına sebep olabilmektedir. Öte yandan gemi satışında alıcı ve satıcının aracılardan yararlanması, aracıların sözleşmenin kurulmasındaki rolünün tespitini gerektirmektedir. Taraflar sözleşmenin kurulmasını geminin muayenesi sonucunda sözleşmeye uygunluğunun tespit edilmesine bağlayabilmektedir. Anılan sebeplerle gemi satışı sözleşmelerinin kurulduğu anın tespiti önem taşımakta olup, yargı kararlarına konu edildiği görülmektedir.

Gemi Satışı, Broker, İrade Uyuşması, Ticari Sözleşme, Tip Sözleşme.

With respect to the general definition of the Code of Obligations (CoO) on sales contract, ship sale and purchase contracts1 can be defined as contracts where the seller transfers the ownership and the property of the ship to the buyer and the buyer undertakes to pay a price in return2.

According to Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), Article 936, all the ships have the characteristics of movables, whether they are registered or not. Therefore, ship sale and purchase contract is a sale of a movable. Given the high economic value and the features unique to the ships, it is necessary to add special and detailed terms into the ship sale and purchase contracts. For these reasons, contract is not an ordinary movable sales contract: it is a specifical contract.

As dwelled upon above, as the contract contains detailed terms, the controls of the ship by the buyer at the phase of its execution cause the sales negotiations to take a long time; to result in amendments in the terms of the contract many times and to lead to the negotiation of new terms between the parties3.