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Mixed Agreements in European Union law

Avrupa Birliği Hukukunda Karma Anlaşmalar


Avrupa Birliği dış ilişkilerinin temelini oluşturan uluslararası anlaşmalardan olan Karma Anlaşmaların özelliği, anlaşma konusunun Avrupa Birliği ile üye ülkelerin paylaşımlı yetki kullandıkları alanlar ile ilgili olması sebebiyle hem Avrupa Birliği’nin hem de üye ülkelerin sözleşmeye taraf olması ve bu sözleşmeyi kendi prosedürlerine göre onaylamasının gerekli olmasıdır. Avrupa Birliği’nde yetki paylaşımı konusunun karmaşıklığı ve üye ülkelerin farklı sözleşme onaylama mekanizması bulunmasının Karma Anlaşmaların daha uzun sürede sonuçlandırılmasına sebep olması gibi olumsuz yönleri olsa da Karma Anlaşmalar, Avrupa Birliği ve üye ülkelerin ortak sorumluluğunu öngörmesi ile uyuşmazlık halinde sözleşme tarafı üçüncü ülkelere birden çok muhatap sağlaması ve Avrupa Birliği’nin uluslararası alanda üye devletler ile işbirliği içinde hareket etmesine aracı olması açısından önem arz etmektedir. Tüm bu sebeplerden dolayı Karma Anlaşmalar detaylı incelemeyi gerektirmektedir.

Karma Anlaşma, Avrupa Birliği, Dış İlişkiler, Paylaşımlı Yetki, Karma Anlaşmaların Onaylanması.

The features of the Mixed Agreements, which are one of the fundamental international agreements of the European Union, are the requirement of the conclusion and ratification of the agreements not only by the European Union but also by the Member States by virtue of the subject matter of the agreements is about the shared competence of the European Union and the Member States. Although the complexity of the delimitation of competences in the European Union and the different ratification system of the Member States which cause the delay of the finalisation of the Mixed Agreements can be evaluated as negative aspects, the Mixed Agreements still play an important role since there is joint liability of the European Union and the Member States and in case of dispute, third countries may have more than one applicant (party) to sue and also Mixed Agreements provide coordination of cooperation between the European Union and the Member States as positive aspects. For these reasons, the Mixed Agreements deserve to be examined in a detailed way.

Mixed Agreements, European Union, External Relations, Shared Competence, Ratification of Mixed Agreements.


Concluding agreements with third parties is one of the main objects and aspects of the external relations of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as “EU”). Since the EU has legal personality in accordance with Article 47 of the Treaty on the European Union (hereinafter referred to as “TEU”)1, it shall sign and enter into force of binding agreements within the limits of its competences conferred upon by the Member States (hereinafter referred to as “MS”) in the Treaties2.

Regarding the subject matter of international agreements of the EU, they would be divided into two categories (i) agreements fall in the exclusive competence of the EU which are so called “Union-Only Agreements”, and (ii) agreements fall in the shared competence of the EU which are so called “Mixed Agreements”.

In line with this division, it is obvious that concluding international agreements by the EU is related to the competence issue which is based on principles of conferral3, subsidiarity4 and proportionality5.