Arama yapmak için lütfen yukarıdaki kutulardan birine aramak istediğiniz terimi girin.

The Highlights and an Evaluation of the
 Law on the Redevelopment of Areas
 Under Disaster Risk



In Turkey, an intensive migration has started from rural to urban areas in 1950 s. Because of these population movements, cities have entered the process of dilapidation and started to lose their characteristics over time. In other words, the deformation in cities results from uncontrolled and irregular settlement in Turkey.

In order to solve this problem defined as unplanned urbanization or urban sprawl, methods such as sanitation and urban renewal (demolition and reconstruction of urban structures) have been developed. The most recent method used to intervene in urban sprawl is urban regeneration. In Turkey, urban regeneration is inevitable since earthquake risk is added to the problem of unplanned urbanization after the Marmara Earthquake in 1999.

The legislation on urban regeneration1 involves Law no. 5393 on Municipality, Law no. 5366 on Renovating, Conserving and Actively Using Dilapidated Historical and Cultural Immovable Assets, Law no. 5104 on Northern Ankara Entrance Urban Regeneration Project and the Law no. 6306 on Redevelopment of Areas under Disaster Risk enacted on May 16, 2012.