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Planning for Disaster: Place, Population, Culture and the Environment a Preface to Study Space VI


During my visit to Atlanta in 2011, my dear friend Emeritus Prof. Dr. Tom Read introduced me to Prof. Dr. Julian Juergensmeyer. This was the occassion how I get to know Professor and Georgia State University Center for Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth. Julian mentioned me the idea of Study Space and his interest in making a workshop in Istanbul. At first glance, I didn’t real is the method of working of Study Space. But getting a closer look, it appealed to me to be a productive style of work. Dean Steven J. Kaminshine supported the idea in commencing a Study Space in Istanbul in 2013. In this sense, he visited Bahcesehir University and we started to built up Study Space VI.

It has been a pleasure for me to work with the supporters of GSU; Karen Johnston, Ryan Rowberry; and supporters Prof. Dr. Ahmet Eyüce, Begüm Erçevik, my Foreign Relations Coordinator Deniz Ceylan from BAU side. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Eyüce; great teacher and very nice person; un fortunately passed away after the programme, and we humbly think back about his achievements.

Study Space VI. participants contributed to the event in Istanbul through taking part in discussions and delivering lectures at the evenings. Now as BAU School of Law, we are very proud to be able to publish their written contributions as a special issue of BAU Law Review. The secon tributions discuss various aspects of Urban Planning, Risk Management, Istanbul’s preparedness for disasterande arth quake, Emergency Planning, and all relate dissues in this field. Papers have also been translated into Turkish mostly by Dr. İsmail Pamuk and some of them by Ayşe Özge Atalay, Hande Ulutürk and Ayça Yaltı; thus enabling Turkish reader to follow the ideas of the scholars of the world.