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Kasap ve Diğerleri / Türkiye Davası 
(Başvuru No. 8656/10)


14 Ocak 2014

The applicants, Resmiye Kasap, Selma Canpolat, Selda Pan, Vildan Pan and Şengül Akgünlü, are Turkish nationals who were born in 1958, 1974, 1979, 1982 and 1974 respectively and live in Adana and Mersin (Turkey). They are the mother and sisters of Murat Kasap, who died on 29 September 2006 after being shot by a police officer when trying to escape the police who had stopped him while he was riding a motorcycle. In June 2009, the police officer was found guilty by a criminal court of having caused the death by negligence. The criminal court sentenced the officer to one year and eight months’ imprisonment but then suspended the pronouncement of the judgment. The applicants complained in particular that the suspension of pronouncement of the judgment had been in breach of Article 2 (right to life). Relying further on Article 2 in particular, they also complained that the investigation into the shooting had had serious shortcomings. The Court unanımously holds that there has been a violation of Article 2 of the Convention.

AİHS m.2, Yaşam Hakkı, Hükmün Açıklanmasının Geri Bırakılması.


Türkiye Cumhuriyeti aleyhine açılan 8656/10 davanın temelinde, beş Türk vatandaşı Resmiye Kasap, Selma Canpolat, Selda Pan, Vildan Pan ve Şengül Akgünlü, (“başvuranlar”) 2 Şubat 2010 tarihinde İnsan Hakları ve Temel Hakların Korunmasına İlişkin Sözleşme’nin (“Sözleşme”) 34. maddesi uyarınca Mahkeme’ye yapmış olduğu başvuru bulunmaktadır

Başvuranlar, özellikle, akrabaları Murat Kasap’ın Sözleşme’nin 2. Maddesine aykırı olarak, polis memuru tarafından kasti olarak öldürüldüğünü iddia etmişlerdir.